Today we went on a field trip to The Living Planet Aquarium to further explore and observe some real underwater adventures. Our little scientists had fun learning.
We learned that shrimp and hermit crabs shed their exoskeleton and shortly thereafter, for a few days, their new exoskeletons are soft.

We enjoyed touching the sea creatures. They each had unique textures. The star fishes endoskeleton felt bumpy and bony. We also learned that star fish can regenerate.

We learned that madagascar giant day geckos are insectivores and they are brightly colored for camouflaging with the native plants. Geckos are the only lizards that can produce more than a hiss or other simple sounds.

We learned that some of the native Utah fish are rainbow trout and kokanee salmon:

We learned that the green anaconda is the largest snake in the world, when both weight and length are considered. It can reach a length of 30 feet and weigh up to 550 pounds.We learned that madagascar giant day geckos are insectivores and they are brightly colored for camouflaging with the native plants. Geckos are the only lizards that can produce more than a hiss or other simple sounds.
We learned that some of the native Utah fish are rainbow trout and kokanee salmon:
We learned that seahorses are poor swimmers and they are most likely to be found resting with their prehensile tails wound around a stationary object. They also turn bright colors when in social moments or unusual surroundings.
We got a great show from the penguins. They were very active running, jumping, and swimming very enthusiastically. We were told that we had witnessed the best show they ever put on. Lucky for us!
We had a great day diving deeper into science with our aquarium friends!
We hope you will join us for more underwater adventures.
(Pictures on this post are copyrighted by: Heather Ingalls,
Please do not use without permission, Thank you!)
We hope you will join us for more underwater adventures.
(Pictures on this post are copyrighted by: Heather Ingalls,
Please do not use without permission, Thank you!)